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Yacht Charter in Cuba

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Yacht charters in Cuba 


If ever there were a destination of spirit, creativity and Latino flare, it’s Cuba. Despite its chequered history and political challenges, the people of Cuba are the friends that you’ve simply not met yet – greeting you numerous times over with handshakes and beckons of “dime herma no!” (“Tell me brother”). 

Cuba is the largest of all the Caribbean islands, not only in square feet, but in heart, spirit and soul. For those who seek excitement, culture and awe-inspiring landscapes, there is Cuba, a place unlike anywhere else in this world.

Yacht charters in Cuba  – underway.

The number of yachts chartering the waters around Cuba are rising and rising.

Key anchorages in Cuba

Explore the northern coast for many places to anchor, although you should note that the smaller bays are for domestic and trade use only. If you choose to travel through the south, be prepared for busy marinas with year-round traffic (especially Marina Jagua Cienfuegos and Marina Cayo Blanco in Trinidad).

Puerto Vita, Cayo Coco, Varadero, Marina Hemingway, Cayo Levisa, Marina Cabo San Antonio, Cayo Largo, Cienfuegos, and Santiago.

One to avoid: The SE military base that remains at Guantanamo Bay; do not enter this bay unless it is an outright emergency.

Exploring the Cuban coastline 

The coastline of Cuba features thousands of miles of coral reef, and more than twelve miles of pure white beaches. The beauty of Cuba’s coastline is just one of the reasons why this destination has proven popular with tourists since the 1870s. 

Secluded bays and beaches make for must visits if you’re seeking out diving and snorkelling, of which the best and most beautiful include the Jardines de Reina, María la Gorda and the Isla de la Juventud. While locations southward offer unrivalled water clarity, the waters over the north coast is home to most well-preserved reef in the entire Caribbean. 

Cuba Ashore

Time seems to have stood still in Cuba, where once bright and majestic buildings have become shabby but no less grand; Cuba’s architecture simply refuses to fall victim to the years of economic embargo placed upon the island. This makes for intriguing townships, and cities that seem not to have developed too far beyond Colonial times – Havana, Trinidad, Remedios and Camagüey being of particular note in this respect. 

Step back from the beaches and into the lush forest, where nature envelopes you into the fold and wildlife accepts you as one of their own (asides, perhaps, from the crocodiles who skim through swamps – a fact that may mean a professional guide is called for).

Marvel at Mausoleo del Che Guevara in Santa Clara, a sculpture, museum and the final resting place of Commander Ernesto Che Guevara, world renowned Argentinian Marxist revolutionary, physician, author, guerrilla leader, diplomat, and military theorist.

Visit the peaceful Cathedral in Havana, where you can climb the tower and surround yourself in history.

Enjoy genuine Cuban talent as you sit back and enjoy the opera show, with La Opera De La Called, also in Havana.

Take time out to stop by the Taller de Ceramica Artistica, an art gallery in Varadero.

Yacht charters in Cuba offers an ocean vida experience, leaving indelible memories.

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